My Laptop has a Webcam, Now What?

I presented at the Christian Educators Association Convention this week. These are the slides and I already got one question. 

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Deanna wrote:
I missed your presentation. Was it recorded?  Also, I know that your presentation was listed as one for grades 5-12, but my third graders are pen pals (and will be e-pals second semester) with a third-grade class in New Mexico.  Their teacher, Bill, and I are wondering what types of things would be reasonable and valuable for us to do.  Suggestions?  


I am not sure why I put a lower end on it, much of it would be easy for any teacher with a camera and a projector to use. Plus it goes against my idea that good teaching with technology is just good teaching. My presentation may have been recorded but I forgot to do it. I will send a link if it goes up on the CEA website.

I think there are a few things you guys should definitely do. 
  • Skype is one. I have done this with a few classes now, and it is a powerful experience. 
  • I think that pictures are also a great option. What kind of computers do they have in the lab there, are they iMacs with webcams? Send pictures to each other. May be wait until the end of the year for this, so it is something of a surprise.
  • I also think that if you could somehow each send each other a scavenger hunt of items that you want to see in the school (or home) that would be cool. The pictures become the vehicle for conversation. 
  • A final idea tonight is that your classes should both always take the other class on field trips. Borrow a few cameras and give them to the kids. The more attention problems the kid with the camera has the better. And let them take pictures on the field trip. Then when you get back you can have the kids write captions in letters to the other kids. 
Just a few ideas. Thanks for the email and keep me updated on any cool ideas you add to this list.