
Thanks for landing at my site. This is the place on the web where I keep my public thoughts. Many of those are on teaching and learning. Much of the focus there is on physics. There will also be random cute kids pictures, thoughts on issues of church and living a reflective life, and imporant stuff that comes aross my path.

I am a teacher and a technology coordinator at Holland Christian High School in Holland, Michigan. I help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms, teach physics and work on server and cloud technologies. I administer our Moodle server. I administer our Google Apps for Education site, and am a Google Apps Certified Trainer.

I love presenting at conferences and have helped organize mini-conferences on our campus. You may have arrived here by attending a session of mine, if so I would love feedback. You can explore my presentations by clicking on the tag presentation. You can explore my notes on any conference by clicking on the tag associated with the conference, for example MACUL11. If you would like to provide feedback on any presentation that you have seen me lead there is a form for that.

Feel free to contact me by email, jameslaryn at gmail dot com. I have accounts at diigo and flickr that have more of my work and social life. I also am on twitter.