
1. Do the life cycle whenever you want before the end of the year.
2. Due by the exam for juniors. For pinhole here are ways to meet the three pillars you are concerned about:
  1. Math: draw a ray diagram of how a pinhole camera works or keep track of a graph of sunshine vs exposure time.
  2. Get people outside of class to comment on your photos. Extra credit to people not in you family or other students. Another idea would be to use people or places outside of school in a photo. For example, statues are a common subject of pinhole photographs. If you could find a cool statue to take a photograph of that would be an outside resource.
  3. Asking and answering a new question is usually done during the special effects stage. For example: What would it look like if I had three pinholes? Answer: Make a pinhole campera with three pinholes. Take some pictures.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Laura wrote:
Okay I have 2 quick questions. The first one is on the life cycle analysis and when it is due. Can we just do it whenever by the end of the year? Also, with my pinhole camera project I was looking at the moodle site and thinking about the 5 pillars and I don't really have anything using math, and outside source, and asking a new question and coming up with a product-I don't really know how to incorporate any of these in it. Is there a specific due date that these projects have to be in by because I don't have enough pictures yet but I feel that you never really told us when they are do and everything has to be done by.