This morning was the last two class periods before spring break. I had assigned a one minute video project on either producing energy for or consuming energy in a house. Today we were to watch the presentations. I got the question already last week, "what if I am gone Wednesday?" The answer: email your video to the class blog and we will watch it without you. Because of crazy imbalances in the schedule I have one small section with a high number of early vacationers. The seven of us decided to do our presentation sitting around a table at Jackie's Place. We were having a great conversation about energy and our environmental responsibilities when an older couple from the booth next to our tables came up to us. They asked if we were a school or church group. They smiled. And they picked up the tab. On the way out one of my juniors went to the clerk and gave her five bucks. My student looked her in the eye and said, "put it on the next person's tab." She smiled at me and said, "pay it forward." I hope you all have (or had) a great spring break.