Capturing Kids Hearts Notes Reflection

I had the opportunity almost a year ago to go to Capturing Kids Hearts. This was one of the best learning opportunities I have had as an adult. Three different areas were activated over the days: I learned deeply about myself, I learned about how to connect with those I teach, and I learned how to better facilitate with adults. If I had not followed this up by going to Cognitive Coaching I would say CKH would be the most recommended professional learning I had been to. Today I ran across my notes from the event. Here are the highlights from them as I review them. 

"All people are motivated by... something."

Our leader was asked what are the top needs of all people, he said, "First to feel connected and second to be successful."

Another approximate quote from the leader:

The leadership skill of affirmation is more caught than taught

    • Affirmation feels good to receive
    • Affirmation feels good to give
    • You have to be present to affirm
    • One affirmation can get you through a day
    • Affirmation needs to be modeled

Questions. Leaders ask questions.

Be less helpful but surround with support and great things. This will encourage individual responsibility.

There was much more.