
It is easy to read Seth Godin and say yes. Especially when he says this:

It's so tempting to shut people down, to limit the upside, to ostracize, select and demonize. It makes things a lot simpler. Not seeing means you don't have to take action. Not opening means it's easier to announce that you're done. And not raising the bar means you're less likely to fail.

I am adding it to my list of people who think we have to have a posture of the Image of God. Each student. Each colleague, each administrator and board member. Each one has something that is only revealed in them.

What I would like to do as I explore this is figure out how to make that posture happen in reality. It is really easy to read and agree with. It is really hard when every fiber of your being and the entire culture around you is crying out to close people down.